The 3 Day Bull Rider

One day clinics, private coaching, 3 day schools – you name it. Through Monster Bull®, I’ve been helping bull riders for going on three decades now. I’ve seen a lot. I’ve heard a lot. I’ve done a lot of thinking about how to help people realize what their goals really are, and sometimes more importantly, what their goals are not.

People can learn many, many different things about themselves in a bull riding school. Regardless of how much you learn, one thing you will not do is become a professional bull rider in three days at a school – anyone’s school. That being said, quality schools, clinics and/or private instruction are each worth attending and repeating often if your goal is to learn and improve to possibly become a professional bull rider.  

Progress in bull riding is similar to earning a black belt in karate. There are no shortcuts to a black belt (or a gold buckle.) It’s earned only after you prove you have mastered each skill at each consecutive lower level. I always tell students at a school that whenever they can make my steers “look stupid” we will move up to the next level. Not before then. It’s pointless and dangerous to try it otherwise. That would be like confusing a bucket list with a death wish.

Each of us is born with certain abilities and desires. What we choose to do with them – positive or negative - is an individual choice. If you want to be great at something, it takes time and it takes toughness. This is especially true in bull riding. Physical toughness is obvious. Mental toughness starts the day you realize deep inside that what you want most makes you different than most of the people around you.

They say the two most important days in a person’s life is the day they are born and the day they realize what they were put on earth to do. That’s individual, and just like becoming a great bull rider, it’s going to take lots of time and effort on your part.

You don’t become a marine in 3 days. You don’t become a beautician in 3 days. You won’t become a professional bull rider in 3 days. That being said, going to a bull riding school of any length puts you in a place full of people with the same energy pointed in the same direction with professional guidance and feedback. Monster Bull® or other options, I highly recommend bull riding schools and/or professional feedback to all competitors at any level.

The best professional athletes in all sports the world over get help. Bull riding is an individual sport, but you don’t have to go it alone. Get help. Get a coach. Go to a school. You don’t have to be the valedictorian to be victorious, but you do have to answer these three questions – What do you want? How bad do you want it? and What are you willing to do about it?

Be a Monster in the Making®. Nod your head. I’ve got your back. David Berry.

What do you want? How bad do you want it?

What are you willing to do about it?


Be a Monster in the making.