In A Rut?

Quit Digging Deeper If You Want To Go Higher. We all have dreams. Only some have goals. There’s a difference. Being a Monster in the Making® indicates progress. Progress means change. Past successes don’t guarantee a fantastic future. What used to work for you, may require an upgrade in your efforts for continued success. Episode 20 is all about making your efforts today more effective.

Achieving your goals takes realizing your reality, and then waking up and working on it. If you want more, do more or do it differently. You can want more, do more, be more, but it’s hard to achieve more – however you define it – when you are in a rut. If you’re not seeing progress, get help. If you are in a rut, quit spinning your wheels. Quit digging deeper if you want to go higher.  

Take a hard look at where you are and where you want to be. You’ll see possibilities ahead with a fresh set of eyes. You’ll be able to see out of any rut you may be in – even if you have to borrow a periscope for a moment to see above ground level.

As always, the Monster in the Making® podcast is about progress. It’s about “What do you want? How bad do you want it?” and Episode 20 is especially about “What are you willing to do about it?”

There’s more. Seek more. Until then - Be you. Be real. Be better. Be a Monster in the Making®.





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