Train Your Brain

Everybody wants results. Not everybody wants to do what it takes to get those results. As hard as you may (or may not) train for your physical goals, your mental training (or lack thereof) can make or break all of your other efforts. True story. Episode 22 of the Monster in the Making® podcast is about the decisions you make before you make decisions. Positive or negative, you get out what you put in.

Think about what you’re thinking about, then do something about your thinking. Your ability to succeed in all things is directly related to your ability to control the outcomes of your physical and mental efforts. Once you realize this, you are ahead of the game. 

Every Monster in the Making® knows “Now We Got Us a Game!” 

Losers don’t keep playing. Winners play to win – even when they are the only one in the game. When you start training your brain, it’s game on. Play on…

Be you. Be real. Be better. Be a Monster in the Making®.


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