Planning and Discipline

By definition, being a Monster in the Making® means making progress. How are you going to make consistent progress if you don’t have a plan? It can be a goal, a road map, a plan, a to-do list – whatever you want to call it – but giving it form, whatever form you choose, gives it value. What did you do yesterday, today, this morning, this afternoon, tonight, anytime to add more value to your plan? Episode 30 of the Monster in the Making® podcast is all about planning and discipline – yours!

Plans don’t work without work. Once you have a plan, you’ve got to work to make it happen. For some of us, work is a four letter word. Work takes discipline. You have to have the physical discipline to get the job done. You have to have the mental discipline to stick with it when it’s not going “as planned,” for whatever reason. Discipline your mind to do what it takes to succeed in working your plan. Do what it takes physically and mentally to be the monster you were meant to be.

Be you. Be real. Be better. Be a Monster in the Making®. Plan on it. Work your plan.